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How can I claim an existing listing within the ZIP.ch phone book?

Search for your listing and then select the corresponding one. Then click on “Claim and complete this listing for free”. If you have a free account, you will automatically be prompt to request an activation code. If you do not have an account yet, you will be invited to sign up for free. Then follow the steps shown on the screen.

Once you have finished the registration process, enter the activation code in the activation box. Consult this FAQ if you want to find out more about the activation code and its sending methods.

Choose your personalized content add it to your listing using the editing form. Remember that you can access the edition form at any time by accessing your account.

Tips: You can also claim a listing directly from your account. Select the “My Listings” tab and then click on “Claim and complete a new listing”. You will be asked to enter the address or the name of your establishment. The following steps are the same as those described above.

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