36 Furniture System Ltd. produces and distributes the modular furniture systems designed by the Swiss architect Christian Dupraz. The units are made up of elements that slot into each other, facilitating easy installation across a variety of models. The 6 basic elements come in sizes from XS to XXL providing a wide range of dimensions and applications, including the use of both sides of each assembled system.
Inspired by a serial system of modules, Book / Office system provides dedicated and efficient storage solutions for files, toys and display purposes. It is particularly suited to high-level interior design solutions. Its suitability for the home-environment, office, nursery, business or even medical contexts, makes it a highly versatile product that adapts to a great variety of situations. The dimensions follow the DIN norm and are therefore fully compatible with most office accessories.
The products of 36 Furniture System are developed to cost-effective and ecological standards and are built using high quality materials that are produced in a technologically sound manner. They are specifically conceived to withstand UV rays, scratches or chemicals and require no special care. The storage system Book / Office is quickly assembled and taken apart making moving easy.
Through modularity, classic and sustainable aesthetics, 36 Furniture System libraries mark their place throughout ongoing trends.