The route(course) of our company(society) since 2011 was rich and varied. Our reference books, in very diverse domains, such as the EMS, the hotels, the thermal baths and the spas as well as the PPE, count in large numbers.
This plurality of projects allowed to set up a quality team, compound(made up) of about fifteen employees whose grouping of skills is notable. These skills today, go of the development, in the realization as client(contracting authority) or of total company, in the heavy renovation, as in the architecture of internal or still the marketing of the properties(goods).
Until today, the major part of the executions were realized for an exploitation(operation) within the group Boas, of which the company(society) is a part. This configuration enriched the know-how of BCO limited company from the point of view of the developer, what today is a main advantage, in the vision of the future projects.